Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Diabetics, some tips for travelling  

Firstly go back to my previous earlier post and read…Voogs travelling…….

I have found that the food here is different of course, its so very tasty but dosnt effect your blood sugar levels (bsl’s) as you would think, so when your adjusting your amount of insulin plus the correction, just be aware that it may not have as many carbs, or hidden carbs that we may usually think.  Therefore you may be having too much insulin and risking a hypo.  When I am out and about I am going very low, maybe it’s the heightened senses or excitement, maybe it’s the incorrect amount of insulin in the morning.  I always carry with me a small box juice, a muselli bar, some glucose tablets and of course the ‘gluco pen’ injection.  A hint is to go to a translating site from Aust. To Indonesian and type in, ‘this is my glucose pen to be administered if I appear to be in a coma, instructions are inside the orange box, after administering if I do not revive please call the doctor/hospital the number is……….(look up a local doctor, google one for the country you are in and the address)’ I also attached another note, do not give me insulin’’’’’’ So I printed this out and put in a plastic zip lock bag with the pen, in English and in my case Indonesian.  So I have had to resort to my ‘snack pack’ twice and just be ‘body aware’ you know what the beginning of a hype feels like.  Stop, eat, drink and sit down, the sence of disorientation is heightened as you aren’t in farmiliar surroundings.  Both times I felt my hypo, after eat/drink I found a taxi and went home to my familiar and relaxed, made sure my bsl was steady a bit higher than my 6 or 7 and ventured out again.  So you can travel, go sightseeing, get excited, have a blast BUT be aware of your body, just stop so often and concentrate on how you feel.  Really feel and then enjoy your time in a better relaxed state.
I am also eating the local foods, sure there is Italian and Japanese (expensive) but there are so many local people eating there, they look well. Its cheap, its in season, no hidden carbs or preservatives/additives and its so dammmm tasty!   I steer clear of the salads and steamed veggies as they are washed/cooked in their water.  I did have one cook ask me why ‘no want veggie?’ I told her I am diabetic and cannot eat the foods washed in water to be told ‘noooooo I make with bottle ‘Aqua’ water’.  The same with the rice, I say no to it too, (carbs) and they assure me its o.k to have a little bit.  They get the diabetic thing here, the word Diabetic is Diabetes here.  If you don’t eat the rice/steamed veg on the plate they are offended you ‘no like’ so just explain ‘diabetes’ and they nod and smile, its o.k.
Of course I don’t eat from the cart food vendors and I cant eat the papaya or exotic fruits they sell here on the side of the road either, its all in lil plastic baggies, but really its not worth the risk…Oh more on risk, your hand sanitiser bottle gel is your best friend, use it always, after touching money especially its filthy.  After shopping, after the toilet especially remember your washing your hands in ‘their’ water….. Don’t touch your mouth, your eyes, I was touching the spices and chilli and went to touch my face only to have my ‘market friend/sister’ grab my hand and tell me Noooooo missus!!! It will sting you bad…..
This is all part of the touring, holiday adventure, just use your common sense, be confident, think before you head out, check your bsl’s, make sure you have your ‘snack pack’ with you at all times, make sure you have some taxi money ready to go home even if you are out walking. Yes you can eat the local foods, if you get the runs after eating it, simple you just don’t eat there again, well you have some meds (you should of gotten these ‘bottom problem/runs pills and gastro/vomiting pills’ before you left and in your meds kit.
Wear comfortable shoes/joggers/sports shoes.  The pavements are mostly brick/cobblestone/concrete and its uneven and broken with pot holes and roots of trees breaking thro.  Its so easy to trip and hurt yourself.  Check your feet every day after showering, wear fresh comfy padded sports socks and keep rolling them up and down as tight socks can impede your blood flow to the feet/toes.  Massage cream into them.  Looking after our feet is a must! If you do get a scratch or cut, use betadine drops (lil brown bottle) ( it’s the best) and cover it, remember your in the tropics and sores can easily fester.
Scared the life out of you I’m sure but hey……Just relax, enjoy yourself, be aware and prepared and you can have the holiday experience of a life time!


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