Tuesday, 4 June 2013

I caught a 'blue bird' taxi for this adventure, they have meters instead of the negotiating the price.  These are better when theres more traffic as they are priced on the miles not the time and cost only $5 instead of the 'quoted' $10 from the silver ones.  The sights you see on the way to the market are just bizarre, the small shops selling everything from car seats, statues, hand made teak furniture, florists with exotic flowers and 'snax' shops, mechanics with scooter parts all over, all bundled together with the usual buzz of the many scooters.  There are few traffic lights and one intersection has 5 or 6 roads meeting (with no round about) that I just closed my eyes and prayed we'd make it thro.  There are traffic police that direct and stop the traffic so often, the man with the whistle I was told is the 'boss' of the road.

The Denpasar Market in Bali has 2 main buildings that are connected by a lil bridge (dont look at the water below you may feel a bit ewwww) and each floor has a different type of shop, like one floor of spices, one of clothing, fruit and veg. As well as the surrounding 'stalls'.  I took a pic of one of the buildings and looking down the inner stairwells and the pic just above is where you enter, like entering into a dark exotic cave, full of mysterious smells and unseen treasures.

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